Monday 23 April 2007

Films: Peter Greenaway, A Walk Through H and Jean-Luc Godard

-In what ways did these films (Peter Greenaway and Jean-Luc Godard)expand your understanding of painting and the relation to the film?

Well I hardly remember the Godard one, but the one by Peter Greenaway pretty much tells me that it's all about art depicting a journey, or the journey of making art.

-If you were to make a film about painting how would you go about it?

Focus on a particular painter of my interest and take a historical view on their lifetime and how particular events signalled developments in their artwork.

-If you were to make a film about a particular painter who would you choose and why?

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, because he seems to have had one heck of an interesting life, and I'd want to explore how this was reflected in his art work.

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